DVD review: “All Creatures Great and Small” (1978-1990)

“All Creatures Great and Small” (1978-1990)

TV Drama

Ninety Episodes

Created by Bill Sellars based on If Only They Could Talk and It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet by James Herriot

Featuring: Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Peter Davison, Carol Drinkwater, Mary Hignett, John McGlynn, Margaretta Scott and Lynda Bellingham

Tristan Farnon: [said frequently] “You’re out of your *mind*, Siegfried!”

“All Creatures Great and Small” is a timeless classic that captivated audiences for over a decade from 1978 to 1990, based on the beloved autobiographical novels by British veterinarian James Herriot. Set in the picturesque Yorkshire Dales of England during the 1930s and 1940s, this charming television series offers a heart-warming portrayal of rural life, veterinary practice, and the enduring bonds between humans and animals.

At its core, “All Creatures Great and Small” is a celebration of the simple joys of life and the beauty of the natural world. The stunning Yorkshire landscape serves as more than just a backdrop; it becomes a character in itself, imbuing each episode with a sense of bucolic tranquillity and rustic charm. From rolling hills to quaint villages, viewers are transported to a bygone era where time seems to move a little slower, and the connection to nature is palpable.

The show’s success can be attributed in large part to its endearing cast of characters, brought to life by a talented ensemble of actors. Christopher Timothy shines in the role of James Herriot, the earnest and compassionate young veterinarian whose love for animals is matched only by his dedication to his profession. Timothy effortlessly captures Herriot’s blend of humility, humour, and genuine empathy, making him a protagonist audiences can’t help but root for.

Opposite Timothy is Robert Hardy as Siegfried Farnon, the eccentric yet lovable senior partner at Skeldale House Veterinary Surgery. Hardy’s portrayal of Siegfried is a masterclass in comedic timing and dramatic depth, balancing the character’s brusque demeanor with moments of vulnerability and warmth. The dynamic between James and Siegfried forms the heart of the series, as their mentor-mentee relationship evolves into a deep friendship built on mutual respect and shared experiences.

Rounding out the main cast are Peter Davison as Tristan Farnon, Siegfried’s mischievous younger brother, and Carol Drinkwater (later succeeded by Lynda Bellingham) as Helen Alderson, the local farmer’s daughter who captures James’s heart. Davison brings a rakish charm to Tristan, whose antics often land him in trouble but endear him to both viewers and his fellow characters. Meanwhile, Drinkwater and Bellingham imbue Helen with warmth and resilience, serving as a source of support and stability for James amidst the chaos of rural veterinary practice.

What truly sets “All Creatures Great and Small” apart is its ability to balance moments of light-hearted humour with poignant emotional depth. While the series is replete with comedic escapades involving obstinate cows, unruly sheep, and eccentric clients, it also tackles weightier themes such as loss, sacrifice, and the passage of time. Whether confronting the harsh realities of farm life or grappling with personal and professional challenges, the characters of Darrowby navigate each obstacle with courage, resilience, and unwavering optimism.

Moreover, “All Creatures Great and Small” is notable for its authentic portrayal of veterinary medicine, drawing on James Herriot’s real-life experiences to offer insight into the joys and hardships of caring for animals in a rural setting. From routine check-ups to life-saving surgeries, each episode provides a fascinating glimpse into the daily routines and unique challenges faced by country veterinarians, highlighting the importance of compassion, ingenuity, and teamwork in providing quality care for both domestic pets and farm animals alike.

In addition to its compelling storytelling and memorable characters, “All Creatures Great and Small” is also celebrated for its evocative cinematography, evocative score, and meticulous attention to period detail. Every scene is crafted with care and precision, transporting viewers to a bygone era with its authentic costumes, props, and set design. Whether capturing the breathtaking beauty of the Yorkshire landscape or the bustling atmosphere of a country fair, the production values of the series are second to none, creating an immersive viewing experience that feels both timeless and enchanting.

Delving deeper into some aspects of “All Creatures Great and Small”:

  1. Themes of Community and Connection: One of the most resonant aspects of the series is its exploration of community and the bonds that unite individuals in the rural landscape of Yorkshire. Whether it’s the camaraderie among the staff at Skeldale House Veterinary Surgery, the friendships forged between neighbors in the village of Darrowby, or the symbiotic relationship between farmers and their animals, “All Creatures Great and Small” celebrates the interconnectedness of human lives and the importance of mutual support and solidarity in times of both joy and hardship.
  2. Historical and Cultural Context: Set against the backdrop of pre-World War II and post-war Britain, the series offers a fascinating glimpse into a pivotal period of history marked by economic hardship, social change, and the enduring spirit of resilience. Through its meticulously researched depiction of everyday life in rural Yorkshire, “All Creatures Great and Small” provides viewers with a window into the challenges and triumphs of a bygone era, while also highlighting the timeless values of compassion, integrity, and perseverance that transcend the passage of time.
  3. Animal Welfare and Ethical Considerations: As a show centered around the veterinary profession, “All Creatures Great and Small” raises important questions about animal welfare and the ethical responsibilities inherent in caring for living creatures. While the series portrays the joy and fulfillment that comes from healing sick animals and nurturing new life, it also grapples with the difficult decisions and moral dilemmas faced by veterinarians when confronted with suffering, euthanasia, and the limits of medical intervention. Through its nuanced portrayal of these issues, the series encourages viewers to reflect on their own attitudes towards animals and the ethical complexities of our relationship with the natural world.
  4. Evolution of Characters and Relationships: Over the course of its eleven seasons, “All Creatures Great and Small” allows its characters to grow and evolve in meaningful ways, mirroring the passage of time and the transformative power of life’s experiences. Whether it’s James Herriot gaining confidence and expertise in his profession, Siegfried Farnon confronting his own vulnerabilities and insecurities, or Tristan Farnon finding his place in the world beyond his brother’s shadow, each character undergoes a journey of self-discovery and personal growth that endears them even more to viewers and deepens the emotional resonance of the series as a whole.
  5. Enduring Legacy and Cultural Impact: More than three decades since its conclusion, “All Creatures Great and Small” remains a beloved cultural touchstone that continues to inspire new generations of viewers around the world. From its enduring popularity in syndication and streaming platforms to the recent revival of the series in a new adaptation, the legacy of “All Creatures Great and Small” speaks to its timeless appeal and enduring relevance in an ever-changing world. As a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the universal themes of love, friendship, and compassion, “All Creatures Great and Small” holds a special place in the hearts of audiences everywhere, reminding us of the simple joys and profound connections that make life truly meaningful.

“All Creatures Great and Small” is a television masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences decades after its initial broadcast. Through its captivating storytelling, endearing characters, and timeless themes, the series offers a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love, friendship, and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Whether you’re a longtime fan or discovering it for the first time, “All Creatures Great and Small” is sure to leave an indelible impression on your heart and soul.

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