Movie Review: “Madame Web” (2024)

“Madame Web” (2024)


Running Time: 90 minutes

Written by: Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless, Claire Parker and S. J. Clarkson

Directed by: S. J. Clarkson

Featuring: Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced,  Celeste O’Connor, Tahar Rahim, Mike Epps, Emma Roberts and Adam Scott

Cassandra Webb: “That man is Ezekiel Sims, he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.”

Madame Web, the latest addition to the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters (SPUMC), arrived with the promise of introducing a new and powerful psychic hero to the cinematic landscape. However, the film ultimately fails to deliver on its potential, leaving audiences entangled in a web of narrative inconsistencies, underdeveloped characters, and missed opportunities.

The film’s central plot revolves around Cassandra Webb (Dakota Johnson), a paramedic who, after a spider bite, develops precognitive abilities. Thrust into a world of hidden agendas and cryptic visions, she must protect three seemingly unconnected young women from a mysterious force. This premise, while intriguing on paper, suffers from several shortcomings. The narrative unfolds in a convoluted manner, jumping between flashbacks, dream sequences, and present-day events without establishing a clear sense of cause and effect. Crucial plot points are introduced and abandoned with little explanation, leaving viewers confused and disengaged.

The film attempts to juggle multiple characters, each with their own backstory and motivations. Unfortunately, none of them receive adequate development, resulting in shallow and forgettable archetypes. Cassandra herself, despite a valiant performance by Johnson, remains largely undefined. Her internal struggles and emotional journey are overshadowed by the convoluted plot, leaving her character arc unfulfilled. The supporting cast fares no better, with the three young women feeling more like plot devices than fully realized individuals. The film’s attempt to establish a connection between them and Cassandra feels forced and lacks emotional depth.

While the film boasts some visually striking moments, particularly during Cassandra’s precognitive visions, the overall aesthetic feels inconsistent. The blend of CGI and practical effects is often jarring, and the action sequences lack the necessary weight and impact. The film’s pacing also suffers, with sluggish stretches punctuated by rushed and underdeveloped plot points.

Despite its shortcomings, Madame Web does offer a few redeeming qualities. Johnson delivers a committed performance, imbuing Cassandra with a sense of vulnerability and determination. The film also hints at a potentially captivating mythology surrounding the interconnected web of fate and precognition. However, these glimpses of potential are ultimately overshadowed by the film’s narrative and character flaws.

Madame Web’s critical and commercial failure raises questions about the future of the SPUMC. The film’s struggles highlight the challenges of establishing a new interconnected universe separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). While the SPUMC boasts some promising characters and storylines, Madame Web demonstrates the need for a more focused and well-defined approach to world-building and character development.

Moving forward, the SPUMC could benefit from several key strategies:

  • Prioritizing compelling narratives: The focus should be on crafting engaging stories with well-developed characters and clear emotional stakes, rather than relying solely on established IP or spectacle.
  • Building a cohesive universe: A clear vision for the interconnected nature of the SPUMC is crucial. Establishing thematic and narrative links between films, while allowing for individual creative freedom, can foster a sense of coherence and purpose.
  • Investing in character development: Dedicating sufficient time and attention to developing characters and their relationships is essential for audience investment.
  • Madame Web may not have lived up to its potential, but it serves as a valuable learning experience for the SPUMC. By addressing the film’s shortcomings and implementing a more focused and character-driven approach, the SPUMC can still weave a compelling web of stories that resonate with audiences.

It’s important to note that these are just potential future directions for the SPUMC, and the decisions ultimately lie with the filmmakers and producers. However, by learning from the missteps of Madame Web, the SPUMC has the opportunity to chart a course for a more successful and engaging cinematic universe.

Madame Web’s underwhelming performance extends beyond the film itself, sparking discussions about audience reception and the evolving landscape of superhero movies. 

Madame Web arrived amidst a growing sense of superhero movie fatigue amongst audiences. The sheer volume of superhero films released in recent years has led to increased scrutiny and a demand for originality and innovation. Madame Web, failing to deliver on both narrative and visual fronts, likely fell victim to this fatigue, further contributing to its negative reception.

Madame Web presented itself as an opportunity to add another female-led superhero film to the landscape. However, the film’s shortcomings highlight the ongoing struggle for gender parity in superhero narratives. The underdeveloped character arc and shallow portrayal of Cassandra raise concerns about the industry’s commitment to creating truly compelling female superhero stories.

Madame Web explored the concept of precognition, a theme rarely tackled in mainstream superhero films. While the film’s execution faltered, it opens up a discussion about the potential of this narrative device in superhero storytelling. Future films could explore precognition in a more nuanced and compelling way, offering fresh perspectives on themes of fate, free will, and the burden of knowledge.

Madame Web is a disappointing entry into the superhero genre. Its convoluted narrative, underdeveloped characters, and inconsistent visuals leave audiences feeling unfulfilled. While the film possesses a few redeeming qualities, they are ultimately overshadowed by its numerous shortcomings. For fans of superhero movies and the Spider-Man universe, Madame Web is a tangled web best left untangled.

Madame Web may have left audiences entangled in a web of disappointment, but it doesn’t necessarily spell doom for the SPUMC. The film serves as a valuable learning experience, highlighting the importance of crafting compelling narratives, developing characters with depth, and fostering a cohesive universe. By addressing these shortcomings and embracing innovative storytelling approaches, the SPUMC can still weave a web of captivating stories that resonate with audiences.

Furthermore, Madame Web opens doors for broader discussions within the superhero genre. The film’s struggles highlight the need for addressing audience fatigue, ensuring adequate representation, and exploring fresh narrative concepts like precognition. By fostering these discussions and learning from both successes and failures, the superhero genre can continue to evolve and offer diverse and engaging experiences for audiences worldwide.

Ultimately, Madame Web stands as a reminder that even in the tangled web of superhero storytelling, there’s always room for growth and opportunity. The future of the SPUMC, and the superhero genre as a whole, remains to be written, and it’s up to filmmakers and audiences alike to shape its narrative.

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